It has become incredibly difficult these days to tell between real and fake information on the Internet these days. However, just recently, several Robert Mugabe’s Quotes have caught my attention especially regarding the issue of gays and same sex marriages, a topic that always elicits vehement criticism from most of Africa when it is brought up.
One of them apparently quoted Mugabe asking The President of the United States to divorce Mitchell and come to Africa and marry him if he indeed thinks people of the same sex marrying each other is right. Another told of how Mugabe wondered how someone leaves a smooth Superhighway only to take a ride inside a sewage. One even quoted him stating that even Satan is not gay, that he approached and seduced Eve and not Adam. Other quotes are unpublishable on this forum, but all of them according to me make absolute sense. Indeed since I started seeing these quotes, I have come to completely agree that Mugabe is Africa’s wisest man. Of course that depends on the perspective you want to see it from.
Mugabe aside, his sentiments reflect the feelings of most Africans about this issue. In recent times personally, I have grown increasingly disturbed that probably in the very near future, the world will be forced to accept homosexuality as a norm, like now we see watching porn as a societal norm. If that day ever comes in my lifetime, then I shall actually believe the end times are near.
I do not mean to say that homosexuals we should begin slits these homosexual’s throats or that they should be taken to mental institutions like the old Nazi days, but for Christ’s sake, they should save the rest of us the disgust of thinking a man can have sex with a man or a woman can marry a woman. Seriously, for a lot of us it makes us loose our appetites.
Most people are victims of criticizing mistakes or wrong doings and not trying to offer a solution. I have with time determined am one such person. But sometimes its just hard to offer a solution to some problems, like a young man who decides he does not want girls, but instead finds delight in the male physique. When it’s suggested that he can be taken to a rehab to amend his behaviours, gay activists come in with their all too familiar script of discrimination. Like an alcoholic who is taken to a rehab ever complained he was being discriminated against. That’s how hard it is, especially when the most powerful nation on earth actually supports such rugged way of life. So in this one, I actually have no solution.
In the meantime, Obama is visiting Africa (Kenya in particular) this july and will perhaps deviate from what will have brought him to Africa and continue with his gay campaign. The African knows his God, and he cannot be cowed. We refuse to accept immorality as moral. We can withstand the injustice of a sanction, or the severity of the withdrawal of American aid, or indignation for being poor, but we cannot stand the wrath of God!
The writer is a student of Construction Management, although he believes he should have been a Pan-Africanist
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