The talk of democracy is one issue that burgles my mind most. Apparently some people sat somewhere and decided that somehow decided the perfect world was a world that is run democratically. That therefore, it is okay for the majority to dictate their opinion on the minority and then the majority to again be dictated by the minority they choose to 'represent' them in the positions of power. Of course for anyone who cares to think beyond what the big shots of the world say is right, democracy is a sham. It is dictatorship in disguise.
Worse still, democracy is taken by the people who are not in the government to mean that when an election is held, they must win, and if they don't, then its rigged. Of course that is to say the least naively fallacious. When we agreed to the constitution and the democracy it represents, then it so goes that we also agreed to have our voices suppressed if we belong to the minority.
Qaddafi, arguably one of the wisest African of our age, argues that indeed democracy is unfair and not in any way representative of the common man.
For you who still defines democracy by Abraham Lincolns 'Government of the people for the people by the people', I suggest reading Qaddafi's Green book. Perhaps that will enlighten a bit on the issue of democracy. Apparently we were lied to,or the intentions of the people who came before us have been plundered.
Think of it, who gave some residents of the earth to police on some of us and impose systems of governance, and call it perfect. Why isn't aristocracy the perfect one or totalitarianism for example? Because thir is no such thing as perfect.
Oh, and you know what happens when you question the absurdity of this perfect system called democracy? Gaddafi ended up in a ditch beaten and battered, then latter dragged through his hometown of Sirte. Vilified to all of us by being labelled worlds enemy number one!
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